6th Polish Combinatorial Conference
Będlewo, September 19-23, 2016
Będlewo, September 19-23, 2016
This conference series was born after a very successful meeting:
Poznań – Zielona Góra Workshop on Combinatorics
held in Będlewo in October 2006.
The Polish Combinatorial Conferences are meant to integrate Polish and international combinatorial communities. The upcoming conference is, as before, dedicated mostly to young scientists whose attendance we strive to support (see below). Having this goal in mind, besides several invited talks, we provide also a couple of tutorials by leading experts in Combinatorics.
The scope of the conference is intended to cover most aspects of modern combinatorics, including graph theory, probabilistic combinatorics, extremal combinatorics, combinatorial optimization, algorithmic problems, combinatorial number theory, applications of combinatorics in computer science.
invited speakers
special anniversary session speakers
Friday, September 23, will be the day of tutorials. Two independent courses are proposed and their titles will be announced. Each course will consist of a few hours of lectures, followed by exercises and solutions sessions. It will be possible, although quite hectic, to attend both courses. The tutorials will be led by
contributed talks
Participants are invited to give contributed talks. You can find the details here. The deadline for the title and abstract submission is August 20, 2016.
open mind prize
The Open Mind Prize, established in 2010, is awarded biennially to a junior Polish researcher for outstanding research in combinatorics. The awards are announced at the Polish Combinatorial Conferences and the awardees are expected to attend the ceremony and deliver a lecture. The name of the prize comes from the saying of Paul Erdős: My mind is open. The deadline for nominations is July 31, 2016. The precise rules of the prize are here.
fee and support
The conference fee is 900 PLN for transfers made before August 20 and 1000 PLN otherwise. It includes accomodation and full board. For details click here.
Young researchers may apply for financial support. An application should be supplemented with either a list of three best research articles published in 2012-2016 or a short letter of recommendation from a senior researcher sent directly to
by a senior researcher.
The deadline for support applications is July 16, 2016.
We acknowledge a support of Stefan Banach Center and Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science.
program committee
The Polish Combinatorial Conferences are meant to integrate Polish and international combinatorial communities. The upcoming conference is, as before, dedicated mostly to young scientists whose attendance we strive to support (see below). Having this goal in mind, besides several invited talks, we provide also a couple of tutorials by leading experts in Combinatorics.
The scope of the conference is intended to cover most aspects of modern combinatorics, including graph theory, probabilistic combinatorics, extremal combinatorics, combinatorial optimization, algorithmic problems, combinatorial number theory, applications of combinatorics in computer science.
invited speakers
- András Gyárfás, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
- Christian Reiher, Universität Hamburg
- Oliver Riordan, University of Oxford
- Éric Sopena, Bordeaux University
- William T. Trotter, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Lutz Warnke, University of Cambridge
- Günter M. Ziegler, Freie Universität Berlin
special anniversary session speakers
- Alan Frieze, Carnegie Mellon University
- Svante Janson, Uppsala University
- Tomasz Łuczak, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Joel Spencer, New York University
Friday, September 23, will be the day of tutorials. Two independent courses are proposed and their titles will be announced. Each course will consist of a few hours of lectures, followed by exercises and solutions sessions. It will be possible, although quite hectic, to attend both courses. The tutorials will be led by
- Jarosław Byrka, University of Wrocław
Optimization in algorithm design
It is standard to use solutions to LP-relaxations of studied complex optimization problems in the construction of LP-rounding approximation algorithms. We will discuss a more sophisticated approach in which linear models are used in the process of optimizing the algorithm being constructed. In the context of approximation algorithms it leads to the so-called factor-revealing linear programs. The tutorial will cover the usage of a factor-revealing LP in two different contexts: First we will discuss a recent result, which is an improved online algorithm for the file migration problem arXiv:1609.00831; Next we will cover a modern version of the analysis of the well known primal-dual JMS algorithm for the uncapacitated facility location problem. Rather than presenting details of individual results, the tutorial will aim to encourage the participants to use LP-modelling as a tool to handle the complexity of arguments with multiple parameters. - Oleg Pikhurko, University of Warwick
Measurable Combinatorics
This tutorial will consider measurable versions of classical combinatorial problems (vertex/edge colourings, matchings, spanning trees, etc). The main object of study will be graphings (that is, bounded-degree graphs whose vertex set is a standard probability space and whose edge set is the union of finitely many measure-preserving matchings). Graphings appear in various areas such as the limit theory of bounded-degree graphs, measure-preserving group actions, descriptive set theory, etc. The existence of a measurable function F that satisfies given combinatorial constraints (such as being a proper vertex colouring) is of interest because it may be used, for example, to distinguish non-isomorphic graphings in orbit equivalence theory or be transferred to finite graphs in the context of property testing. We will mostly concentrate on positive results. Here, a powerful tool for constructing the desired function F is to design a parallel decentralised algorithm that converges to it almost everywhere.
contributed talks
Participants are invited to give contributed talks. You can find the details here. The deadline for the title and abstract submission is August 20, 2016.
open mind prize
The Open Mind Prize, established in 2010, is awarded biennially to a junior Polish researcher for outstanding research in combinatorics. The awards are announced at the Polish Combinatorial Conferences and the awardees are expected to attend the ceremony and deliver a lecture. The name of the prize comes from the saying of Paul Erdős: My mind is open. The deadline for nominations is July 31, 2016. The precise rules of the prize are here.
fee and support
The conference fee is 900 PLN for transfers made before August 20 and 1000 PLN otherwise. It includes accomodation and full board. For details click here.
Young researchers may apply for financial support. An application should be supplemented with either a list of three best research articles published in 2012-2016 or a short letter of recommendation from a senior researcher sent directly to

We acknowledge a support of Stefan Banach Center and Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science.

- Jarosław Grytczuk, Jagiellonian University
- Paweł M. Idziak, Jagiellonian University
- Michał Karoński, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Zbigniew Lonc, Warsaw University of Technology
- Tomasz Łuczak, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Andrzej Ruciński, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Mariusz Woźniak, AGH University of Science and Technology
- Jarosław Grytczuk, Jagiellonian University
- Jerzy Jaworski, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Jerzy Konarski, AGH University of Science and Technology
- Piotr Micek, Jagiellonian University
- Paweł Naroski, Warsaw University of Technology
- Katarzyna Rybarczyk-Krzywdzińska, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Alina Szelecka, University of Zielona Góra
- July 16, 2016 for applications for support
- July 31, 2016 for the Open Mind Prize candidate proposal
- August 20, 2016 for 6PCC registration; for title and abstract submission
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